Tag Archives: CSFFA

Aurora Voting is Open Until July 13

June CSFFA Newsletter:
Aurora Voting is Open Until July 13

In this newsletter:

  • Aurora Voting is Open Until July 13, 2024
  • Instructions and Updates for Accessing the Voters Package
  • CSFFA 2024 AGM Update

Aurora Voting is Open

Voting is now open for this year’s Aurora Awards. CSFFA members have until 11:59pm EDT on July 13th, 2024, to submit their ballot. Before you vote please read this year’s voters’ package so you can make an informed vote. You must log into your CSFFA account to participate. CSFFA is open to all Canadian citizens and permanent residents.

Our voting system uses a ranked voting method. You can rank multiple works in any category. Our Voting Method page gives you full details about how to vote. Please note, the None of the Above option is only to be used if you don’t think one or more of the works should have been on the ballot. If you are unfamiliar with a category, leave it blank.

Vote for what you know and what you enjoyed.

NOTE: If you are only voting because you have a friend or family member on the ballot, we would prefer that you refrain. The Aurora Awards are for fans of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror.

Voters Package Update

This year’s Aurora Awards voters’ package is now available to CSFFA members to download. To access the package, log into your account and you will see the link from your member home page. These files are only available to download until Saturday, July 6th. Voting for the awards closes the following Saturday.

Download the categories you wish to read. The files have been zipped so you will need to open then to extract the works. Each zip file contains a Word document that gives you an overview of what is contained in that category. Note: The Zip file for Best Cover Art/Interior Illustration was recently updated to include a missing file and fix an incorrect link; if you downloaded this category earlier than July 14th you may wish to re-acquire it.

By downloading the files, you accept the terms and conditions (agreeing not to share the files) for the download package. Accepting these terms and conditions is a legally binding agreement.

Works in our voters’ package have been kindly provided by the nominees and their publishers. They are there to help you make informed decisions when you vote. Voting has begun and is done by ranking each work so it is helpful to have read as much as you can in the categories you wish to vote in.

Note: This year’s graphic novel category has been split into two downloads. Both are quite large and may take extra time to download. Please be patient.


CSFFA 2024 AGM summary

All motions were approved:
a) Acceptance of Finaicial Statement of 2024: Yes 22; No Response 2
b) Acceptance of Board Actions of 2023: Yes 23;, No Response 1
c) Election to the CSFFA board of directors of Aymen Saidane, and re-election of Murray Moore, CLiff Samuels, Garth Spencer, Jean-Louis Trudel: Yes 22; No Response 2

Twenty-three members voted on the motions before the deadline.

President Murray Moore and Vice-President Cliff Samuels reviewed 2023 (CSFFA’s presence during Pemmi-Con, and the 2023 Awards) and answered questions.

Aurora Awards Voting Info & Voters’ Package

From the CSFFA, news of the Aurora Awards.Membership is not expensive, and the voter package is well worth the cost. The deadline for membership is tomorrow!

Aurora Awards Voting Info & Voters’ Package

In this newsletter:

  1. Voting information for this year’s Aurora Awards
  2. Aurora Awards Voters’ Package
  3. Change of dates for membership payments and voters’ package download
  4. Reminder: CSFFA AGM June 25

Voting has begun: how to vote in this year’s Aurora Awards

Voting is open for CSFFA members.  You have until 11:59 pm EDT on July 29th, 2023, to submit your ballot.  Remember, vote for what you know.  You do not have to vote in all categories, and you do not have to rank all nominated works.

We use a ranked or alternate voting method.  To vote, sort your choices from 1 (your favourite) to 5 (your least favourite).  For full details about this and how votes are tabulated, go to our about voting method page, https://www.csffa.ca/about/aurora-awards-voting-method/

Unlike our nomination process, when you submit your ballot, it will be locked, and you will NOT be able to make any changes or return to it another day.  Do not start to vote until you are sure you know everything you wish to vote for.

We are using the same voting form that we used last year.  It is easy to use.  Each category allows you to move your selections either with your mouse or finger (if you have a touch screen) on most devices.  Move your choices above the voting line which says, “No pick underneath this line will be counted”.  As you do this your choice will show you what its ranking is.  If you make a mistake, you can move your choice to a different position or back below the voting line.

For your ballot to count you must click the “Send Ballot” button at the bottom of the form.  This will lock and submit your selections.  Do NOT submit your choices until all of your selections are arranged.  This must be done at the same time since you will not be able to return to edit or add to your ballot once it has been submitted.  If you close the form before you submit all of your choices, they will be cleared and not saved, and you will have to start again.

So, download and read the nominated works that are in our voters’ package.  When you are done, go to our online voting form and rank all of your choices.  When you’ve done this for all the categories that you’re interested in, click the “Send Ballot” button at the bottom of the form to lock and submit them.

Join us for our online awards ceremony at 7 pm EDT on August 19th to find out who takes home this year’s trophies.  We will be live streaming on both Facebook and YouTube.

2023 Aurora Awards Voters’ Package

The Voters’ Package is now available for the 2023 Aurora Awards. It can be accessed and the files downloaded from https://www.csffa.ca/members-home/. You must be logged into your account to access it.

Good luck to all of the nominees. Voting will begin on June 17th and close six weeks later on July 29th. The awards ceremony will be held online starting at 7pm EDT, August 19th, 2023. The ceremony will be hosted by Mark Leslie Lefebvre and Liz Anderson. Links to both a Facebook and YouTube page for the ceremony will be posted in August.

Change of dates for membership payments and voters package download

We are changing the closing date for people to purchase CSFFA memberships and to download works from our voters’ package.  The new date is 11:59pm EDT, July 22nd, 2023.  This does NOT affect voting for the awards, that date is still one week later, July 29th.

Membership Payments:  Purchases of CSFFA memberships must be made one week prior to the close of voting.  If you purchase your membership and your account has not been automatically updated, then you must contact us ASAP.  Do NOT wait days, contact us with a copy of your payment notice from PayPal.  We will manually update your account.

Voters Package:  The download form for the voters package will also close one week prior to the close of voting.  If you have not taken what you wish to read it will be unavailable.

The CSFFA board felt that members should be part of the society at least a week prior to when voting closes.  We provide the voters package to help you vote and if you don’t download it until the last few days, you don’t have time to read the works before you vote.  The other reason is that we don’t feel the support team should be scrambling for those who decide to only join at the last moment and have problems.

We hope CSFFA members appreciate that our board members are all volunteers and cannot be monitoring the site 24/7.

Reminder: CSFFA AGM June 25, 2023

To attend the AGM, email president@csffa.ca. You will be emailed a Zoom link a few days before June 25.

The 2023 CSFFA AGM materials and motions can be viewed by logged-in members (Home page -> Annual General Meeting). Members can vote until June 24.

The AGM will begin Sunday June 25, 10 a.m. Pacific/ 11 a.m. Mountain/ noon Central/ 1 p.m. Eastern/ 2 p.m. Atlantic/ and one half-hour later, Newfoundland & Labrador.


Aurora Awards ceremony on line tomorrow

Canvention 42 and the Aurora Awards

On Saturday, August 13, starting at 5pm MDT, we invite everyone to join us for the Aurora Awards ceremony. Our Master of Ceremonies, author Mark Leslie Lefebvre, will be live streaming the ceremony on both his YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkPw6Cu3P1c) and our YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LO7p4geRW6k). The event will also be streamed live on Facebook, with the URL becoming available here about one week prior to the event. This event is open to everyone and is free to watch.

About the Auroras and the Hall of Fame, from the When Words Collide website:

Each year a Canadian convention or festival hosts the floating convention known as Canvention. This year Canvention is being organized by the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association (CSFFA), a national non-profit society along with a host convention. CSFFA’s mandate is to give out the Aurora awards and induct people into CSFFA’s Hall of the Fame.

There are twelve different Aurora awards. They are given out for both professional and volunteer (unpaid) work in the genres of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror. Works are nominated by members of CSFFA which all Canadians are welcome to join. The top nominated works are shortlisted for the Aurora ballot and voted on by CSFFA members. Through the generosity of the nominees and their publishers, CSFFA members also get to download electronic versions of almost all of the published nominated works.

The Hall of Fame inductees are determined by a jury of four experts and one coordinator from CSFFA.

For full details about CSFFA go to their site at: prixaurorawards.ca


Aurora Awards: new dates announced

The CSFFA which awards the Auroras has announced a change of dates. The Eligibility Lists are now closed. Only works listed on the site can be nominated.

Membership in the CSFFA is only 10$ and is very much worth your donation to the cause. The Voters Package alone is worth much more than 10$! https://prixaurorawards.ca/ 

The CSFFA year’s calendar has shifted somewhat, due to a change in webmasters.

Nominations will now open on March 27th, 2021.

Nominations will now close on April 24th, 2021.

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The Voter’s Package will now be available on May 29th, 2021.

After that date, the calendar will be back on track.

Voting will open July 31st, 2021.

Voting will close September 4th, 2021.


Membership in the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association costs $10 for one year. Memberships are active from January 1 – December 31.  https://prixaurorawards.ca/

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Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association
Aurora Awards


Dear Canadian Science Fiction & Fantasy Association members,

The Aurora Awards package download is now online.

The purpose of the Aurora Awards Voter Package is simple. Before you vote for the Aurora Awards this year, we want you to be able to read as much of the nominated work as possible, so you can make and informed decision about what is the best of the year. Please note: the package is only available while voting is open. Remember voting ends September 14, 2019 at 11:59:59 EDT!

The electronic versions of these Aurora Award nominated works are made available to you through the generosity of the nominees and publishers. We are grateful for their participation and willingness to share with CSFFA members. If you like what you read, please support the creators by purchasing their works, which are available in bookstores and online.

The works in the Aurora Awards Voter Package are without Digital Rights Management, because the authors and publishers trust that you will use this Aurora Awards Voter package as it was intended – to help you make the best choice for the Aurora Awards.

By accepting this package, you agree not to share the works therein with anyone other than the CFSSA members in your household. Your agreement will make a difference in the convincing authors and publishers to contribute to this package in the future.

The works in the Aurora Voters Package are formatted in:

            Rich Text Format (.rtf),

            Adobe reader Format (.pdf),

            eReader formats (.epub and mobi).

Each format opens with free software that is available on the Web is you don’t already have any on your computer.

            For .rft formatted files: OpenOffice: http://www.openoffice.org/

            For .pdf formatted files: Adobe Reader: http// get.adobe.com/reader

            To convert a PDF file to these fomats: epub and mobi we recommend:

            Calibre: http//calibre-ebook.com/download

Happy Reading!!!

We look forward to seeing you at Can-Con October 18 – 20, 2019 in Ottawa (http://can-con.org/)


Aurora Awards

We have received a reminder that nominations for the Aurora Awards will close on May the 18th.

To check the Eligibility Lists Click here.

(Warp is eligible, hint)
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Becoming a member of the CSFFA is an excellent idea. Not only to you get to vote, but you will get a voters package that is worth a lot more than the 10$ fee for membership!

Aurora Awards Nomination period closing Saturday

 Received from  Clifford Samuels,  Aurora Awards administrator

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Nominations for this year’s Aurora Awards must be in by 11:59 pm EDT this Saturday, May 26. That is in less than one week.
This is a generic email to all account holders, who have requested
notices, to remind you to get your nominations in. Remember to use the Finalize button on the nomination main page to lock in your selections.
Make sure that what you want to nominate has already been approved and
transferred to the nomination drop down lists. Do not wait until the last day to add items to the eligibility lists because it takes about two days to work its way through the verification and transfer process.
For those that have already nominated, thank you. We will be announcing the final ballot in early June.
Clifford Samuels
Aurora Awards administrator

Near earth sensors detect…

  1. Happy news from our youngest MonSFFAan, Isis
  2. Fanzine to share: Download Fornax. I found it interesting, once I got past the politics.
  3. Titan’s new comic series: The Prisoner
  4. CSFFA (Aurora Awards) launches new site
  5. The dogs of SFF


  1. Happy news from our youngest MonSFFAan, Isis: Proud Grandma writes:  Just thought I would pass on the great news that one of our own (and youngest?) MonSFFA Members, through a gruelling competition has been selected to move forward to international talent competition in Las Vegas.
    Isis has grown up with MonSFFA and wanted to share this good news with you.
    Long story short, Isis took it upon herself to sign up online to audition for Undiscovered Talent Group (Modelling, acting, singing, dancing, etc). She passed the first selection and was sponsored to attend their workshop/training. Two weeks later she was in a competition where there were agents from LA, NY, Toronto and… I can’t remember. She had to get at least three out of four of the agents votes to move forward to the international competition in Las Vegas. They only select a few as room is limited and their reputation is on the line to send only those who they think will do well. Adults and children are selected. Out of all the children (and there were quite a few from Montreal and Ottawa), it appears that only 3 were chosen – one of them being Isis! I thought because of her height they would chose Modelling for her, but I was surprised (and secretly very pleased) that they found her strength was in … Acting!
    With a little luck Katreina and I will be able to raise the money in time to send her in July. We are determined!
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2. Fanzine to share: Download Fornax. I found it interesting, once I got past the politics.

3. PRISONER COMICS. First shown on Canadian and UK TV screens in 1967, The Prisoner was co-created, written, directed and starred Patrick McGoohan (Scanners, Braveheart). Titan’s new comic series is released for the 50th Anniversary of the first US broadcast in 1968.

Titan Comics are excited to announce that they are partnering with print and poster house Vice Press to create a Diamond UK exclusive cover for The Prisoner Issue #1. This first-ever Vice Press exclusive cover for The Prisoner Issue #1 – designed by Star Wars movie concept artist, Chris Weston – is based on his original silk-screen poster created for Vice Press to mark the 50th Anniversary of The Prisoner hitting US TV screens.

4. CSFFA (Aurora Awards) launches new site: The site has had a major facelift. While there is still some work in progress, the site looks sleek and easy to navigate. I will be testing it shortly. Have a look.

5. The dogs of SFF: There was a presentation at World Con in Helsinki on the subject of dogs in SF. The presenter was discouraged to find how very few dogs were portrayed in SF, and when they did appear, they were often subjects of inhumane military type experiments. OTOH, there are lots of dogs in fantasy. This oddity, which seems to imply that humanity’s best friend is not destined to follow us into space but will happily trot after us into Oz, is very apparent in this list which I found on the Wertzone. 

Message from CSFFA re Aurora Awards

It’s that time of the year again. This year’s Aurora eligibility lists
are now open. Nominations will begin in March. We are asking CSFFA members to help us put in works done in 2017 by Canadians into the eleven award eligibility lists.

We are in the midst of creating a new and improved website. Unfortunately we are running behind so the eligibility lists will be the same as last year, at least for now. Full details of the new site will be sent out once it’s been tested.

Here are some basic things to following when entering items to the lists.

• All items must have been originally done in 2017 by Canadians
• All items must be either Science Fiction, Fantasy or Horror
• If you have a hyperlink must be less than 100 characters
• Do NOT use quotes around any title such as a poem or short story
• Only enter an item in one category
• Do NOT enter an item more than once in any category.
• Check to make sure it is not already there
• If you have made a mistake do not put it in again, contact admin@
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• You don’t have to have a paid CSFFA account to submit an item
• You must log into your CSFFA account to submit an item
A verified Item in an eligibility list only means that someone may
nominate it. It does NOT mean it is an Aurora nominee

Please fill in as much information as you can to help us verify it.


Clifford Samuels
Aurora Awards administrator
Website: www.prixaurorawards.ca
Rules: http://www.prixaurorawards.ca/aurora-awards/eligibility/
Category definitions: http://www.prixaurorawards.ca/award-categories/

The 2017 Aurora Awards

The 2017 Aurora Awards were announced September 23 at Hal-Con 2017 in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The award is for exceptional Canadian literary and fan works. The recipients were determined by a vote of the members of the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association.

Best Novel

  • Quantum Night by Robert J. Sawyer, Penguin Canada

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Best Young Adult Novel

  • Icarus Down by James Bow, Scholastic Canada

Best Short Fiction

  • Marion’s War by Hayden Trenholm, Strangers Among Us: Tales of the Underdogs and Outcasts, Laksa Media

Best Poem/Song

No award was given out in this category in 2017 due to insufficient eligible nominees

Best Graphic Novel

  • Angel Catbird, Volume One by Margaret Atwood, Johnnie Christmas and Tamra Bonvillian, Dark Horse Books

Best Related Work

  • Strangers Among Us: Tales of the Underdogs and Outcasts edited by Susan Forest and Lucas K. Law, Laksa Media

Best Visual Presentation

  • Arrival, director, Denis Villeneuve, Paramount Pictures

Best Artist

  • Samantha M. Beiko, cover to Strangers Among Us: Tales of the Underdogs and Outcasts

Best Fan Writing and Publications

  • Speculating Canada edited by Derek Newman-Stille

Best Fan Organizational

  • Randy McCharles, chair, When Words Collide, Calgary

Best Fan Related Work

  • Derek Newman-Stille, Speculating, Canada on Trent Radio 92.7 FM

Best of the Decade: Also announced was the winner of a special category for works published between January 2001 and December 2010.

  • The Neanderthal Parallax, Robert J. Sawyer, Tor Books

Finalists were chosen by an eight-person jury from across Canada, with the winner selected by a vote of the membership.