Tag Archives: CyberCozin

International Connection: CyberCozin

Cathy, Danny, René, and Nathaniel, Leybl is behind the camera

When Leybl Botwinik, the editor of CyberCozin, Israel’s longest running fanzine, contacted MonSFFA asking for a meet-up in October, I jumped to the occasion. His visit to Canada just missed our October meeting, and since he was in Canada to meet with family during the Jewish High Holy Days, finding a date and Kosher restaurant proved awkward indeed. In the end, only 3 of us were able to meet Leybl and his son, Nathaniel, at Chez Benny. While there are many restaurants serving Kosher food, there are very few Kosher restaurants! And of course, those are all closed on Saturdays…   There’s a gap between what I know, and what I KNOW.

Anyway, it was a very enjoyable meeting.  I meant to write it up for WARP, but as it happened, we didn’t have enough material to publish an autumn edition. Leybl wrote an excellent article for CyberCozin, which you will find in his December issue.

We agreed to keep in touch, and hopefully trade articles for our respective zines. If Leybl agrees, I’m thinking his review of our meeting would be a fun way to start our collaboration!

Nathaniel gave me a copy of his book which I will bring to our next meeting.


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