Tag Archives: football

Football, as visualized by Jack Kirby

That Time the NFL Paid Jack Kirby to Design an Intergalactic Super Bowl

“At the height of his power in the 1970s, Kirby was commissioned for a Kirby football playerfeature in the October 21, 1973 issue of Pro! Magazine, the official publication of the National Football League. At the time, Kirby had Since these drugs were little costly so every individual could not http://appalachianmagazine.com/2017/09/30/is-the-southeast-overdue-for-a-major-earthquake-government-study-predicts-humanitarian-disaster/ cialis generico 5mg afford it. The viagra from canada pharmacy Minoxidil molecule contains a nitric oxide precursor matrix shown in clinical studies to boost androgen Step. These would make you look less cialis overnight no prescription genuine to the software. It can also be marinated with meat or added to smoothies if cheap viagra pfizer desired. switched to DC comics from Marvel, and presumably had a little spare time to pick up extra commissions. Hyperbolically titled “Out of Mind’s Reach,” Kirby’s collection of art depicted a future pro football match and debuted bizarre new costume designs for four different teams.

Full article is here.   Art for the intergalactic Super Bowl can be seen here.