Tag Archives: Garth Spenser

Fanzines to share!

Two fanzines arrived in our mailbox:

Obdurate Eye, from Garth Spenser in BC and Probe from South Africa.


Probe 190

(Wear your sunglasses to view the cover!)

190 inside cover(Credits, and Dart mission to Asteroid)

Probe ToC
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3. Editorial
4. Chairman’s Note
5. Magazines and Books Received
7. Aiding and Abetting – Nick Wood
13. The Missing Dragonrider of Nerp
16. RiLL
18. The Hissing of the Snakes by William Gunter
27. Book Reviews
33. Video Game Review Kyle Brunette
34. No Heating Required by W. G. Lipsett
46. Apple TV + Foundation Gavin Kreuiter


Fanzines to share!

From Garth, a funny perzine on “things I figured out this year”

Download Things I Figured Out.2020

He writes:

Dear Everybody,

Merry Christmas etc. to all!

Since this is the surest way to send Christmas greetings, it occurs to me this is also the surest way to send Christmas presents. Therefore, I would like to present you with my latest original hand-crafted written work. I trust and hope it will amuse you!

Happy Hogmanay,

Garth Spencer

From the Ottawa Science Fiction Society, news of the radio telescope in China

Download the OSFS Statement

From the National Fantasy Fan Federation, two zines:



Greetings to all Neffers!

This will be our last mailing of 2020. Note the new URL TNFFF.org It’s there because over the next year we need to move our web pages.  Attached you will find Origin 34 and The N3F Review of Books Incorporating Prose Bono for December 2020.

Table of Contents for the N3F:

2 … A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik — Review by Christopher G. Nuttall
3 … Alien Hunter The White House by Whitley Strieber — Review by Mindy Hunt
4 … Been There, Done That by Mackey Chandler — Review by Pat Patterson
6 … Candidate Spectrum by Brian Cato — Review by Jason P Hunt
7 … Deathlords by Jason Cordova — Review by Pat Patterson
8 … Eric Olafson: Midshipman by Vanessa Ravencroft — Review by Jim McCoy
9 … Escort Duty by Tom Rogneby — Review by Pat Patterson
11 … Fire from Ashes by Sam Schall and Amanda S. Green — Review by Pat Patterson
12 … Hazardous Magic by Tiffanie Gray — Review by Pat Patterson
13 … The Last Marine: Books One and Two by T.S. Randell — Review by Jim McCoy
15 … Like a Continental Soldier by Laura Montgomery — Review by Pat Patterson
16 … Return to Normandy by John R. Taylor — Review by Jim McCoy
17 … Star Mountain Sons: Honour on the North Lake by M. Timothy Gray
— Review by Pat Patterson
19 … Sword’s Edge by L.S. King — Review by Jim McCoy
20 … To Sail Beyond the Sunset by Robert A. Heinlein — Review by Christopher Nuttall
24 … Trade Winds by Sarah A. Hoyt — Review by Pat Patterson
26 … The Unbearable Heaviness of Remembering by L. Jagi Lamplighter
— Review by Declan Finn
28 … Unmasked by Kai Wai Cheah and Thomas Plutarch — Review by Declan Finn
30 … The Unmasking by David Burkhead — Review by Pat Patterson
32 … The Victims’ Club by Jeffery Deaver — Review by Pat Patterson
33 … Who Can Own The Stars? by Mackey Chandler — Review by Pat Patterson
35 … Jack Kirby: The Epic Life of the King of Comics (2020) By Tom Scioli
— Review by Jon Swartz, Ph.D.
36 … Interview of L. S. King by Tamara Wilhite

Literary Criticism
37 … Don’t Make Me Use My Dad Voice Analysis by Jim McCoy

Prose Bono39 … Wright’s Writing Corner: The Payload Moment by L. Jagi Lamplighter
41 … The Cute Moose: Lessons Learned by Cedar Sanderson
FINIS … 43

Table of Contents for Origin:

    Editorial, What Does Science Fiction Have of Significance to the World and to Culture, by John Thiel, page four
  • Some Definitions of Science Fiction, by Jeffrey Redmond, page six
  • Science Fiction in the Early Permabooks, by Jon Swartz, page twelve
  • Finding Your Place, by Judy Carroll, page twenty-one
  • Letters Section, Kevin Trainor, page twenty-three

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