Tag Archives: String Theory

Does String Theory Control the Universe?

String theory has occasionally appeared in SF. The theory sounds really weird, but to me it makes more sense than a “spore drive”.  — CPL

From Astronomy Magazine
Do long, thin, and incredibly dense strands of matter called cosmic strings wind their way throughout the universe?

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STRINGY MESS. When cosmologists model cosmic-string evolution, their goal is to predict how string properties such as speed and separation change over time. This simulation shows cosmic strings when the universe was young and dominated by radiation.
B. Allen and E. P. Shellard (University of Cambridge)
One of the strangest ideas about the nature of the universe could be one of the most important. Do long, thin, and incredibly dense strands of matter called cosmic strings wind their way throughout the universe? This theoretical idea took off with a bang in the 1980s, received a torrent of skepticism in the 1990s, underwent a resurgence of credibility in the 2000s, and has since remained a tantalizing, yet unproven, model.

One of the universe’s strangest conundrums is the smoothness of the early cosmos following the Big Bang and how clumpy things like galaxies could have formed suddenly from it. The answer could be cosmic strings.

Read more about string theory.