Tag Archives: Sun

CME to arrive here June 10th

Space Weather News for June 8, 2024

HARD RADIATION STORM: A powerful explosion on the sun today peppered Earth and nearby spacecraft with “hard” protons. The radiation storm fogged satellite cameras for hours. Following close behind, a CME is heading for Earth, and its arrival on June 10th could spark G2-class geomagnetic storms. Full story @ Spaceweather.com.

Solar flare alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts to receive instant text messages when strong solar flares are underway

Above: Today’s M9.7-class solar flare recorded by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory


Space Weather News for July 18, 2023

A SIGNIFICANT EXPLOSION ON THE SUN: Giant sunspot AR3363 finally blew its top. An hours-long explosion on July 18th hurled a massive CME into space and triggered a radiation storm around Earth. The CME might graze our planet later this week. Full story @ Spaceweather.com.

Solar Flare alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts to receive instant text messages when strong flares are underway.
Above: Debris from today’s M6-class explosion. Credit: NASA/Solar Dynamics Observatory.


Space Weather News for June 12, 2023

A ‘MEGA-BUBBLE’ ON THE SUN: NOAA has just released a list of highlights from young Solar Cycle 25. One of them must be seen to be believed: An X-class flare blowing a “mega-bubble” in the sun’s atmosphere. Full story and movie @ Spaceweather.com.

Above: The sun, blowing bubbles. Image credit: NOAA/GOES-16/SUVI

Possible Aurora on the 27th

Space Weather News for Feb. 25, 2023

“CHAIN REACTION” EXPLOSION: Yesterday, a magnetic filament on the sun erupted, setting off a chain reaction that included a solar flare, two types of radio blackout, and a potentially Earth-directed CME. Minor to moderate geomagnetic storms are possible on Feb. 27th. Full story @ Spaceweather.com.

Above: A magnetic filaments lifts off on Feb. 24th, the first step in a chain reaction of space weather events.


Space Weather News for Jan. 9, 2023

ANOTHER X-CLASS SOLAR FLARE: Earth-orbiting satellites detected another X-class solar flare today–the second in less than a week and a possible harbinger of more to come. There are now two large, unstable sunspots capable of producing these strong explosions, and both are turning toward Earth. Full story and forecasts @ Spaceweather.com

Instant X-flare alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts to receive instant text messages when strong solar flares are underway.
Above: An X1.9-class solar flare on Jan. 9, 2023, recorded by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory.

A CME might be heading our way

Space Weather News for May 10, 2022

X-CLASS SOLAR FLARE: An unusually-magnetized sunspot exploded on May 10th, producing an intense X1.5-class solar flare. Shortwave radio signals were blacked out around the Atlantic Ocean for as much as an hour, and now there’s a chance a CME is heading our way. Updates @ Spaceweather.com.

Above: The extreme ultraviolet flash from today’s X-class solar flare. Credit: NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory


Space Weather News for March 11, 2022

GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH (G2-CLASS): Earlier today the sun launched a full halo CME into space. The storm cloud is expected to hit Venus on March 13th followed by Earth later the same day. NOAA forecasters say that G2-class geomagnetic storms are possible when the CME arrives. Full story @ Spaceweather.com.

Aurora Alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts and get instant text notifications when geomagnetic storms are underway.
Above: A full halo CME is heading for Earth. Image credit: the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO).


HUGE EXPLOSION ON THE FARSIDE OF THE SUN: Earth might have just dodged a bullet. Earlier today, NASA’s STEREO-A spacecraft observed a tremendous coronal mass ejection (CME) emerging from the farside of the sun. Helioseismic maps of the sun’s farside suggest that a huge sunspot group may be responsible, and it will soon turn to face Earth. See the data and more @ Spaceweather.com.

Above: A coronagraph onboard NASA’s STEREO-A spacecraft captured this farside CME on Feb. 15-16, 2022.

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Biggest sunspot in years

Space Weather News for Jan. 29, 2022

BIG SUNSPOT ALERT: A big, rapidly growing sunspot is turning to face Earth this weekend. AR2936 is one of the largest sunspots in years and it could soon pose a threat for strong Earth-directed flares. Observing tips and more information @ Spaceweather.com.

Solar Flare Alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts and get instant text notifications when solar flares are underway.
Above: Sunspot AR2936 caught in mid-flare by amateur astronomer Francois Rouviere of Cannes, France.

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How to view the sun safely:


Space Weather News for Oct. 28, 2021

SIGNIFICANT X-CLASS SOLAR FLARE: There was a global eruption on the sun today. It started with a powerful X1-class solar flare from sunspot AR2887. The blast created a massive tsunami of plasma in the sun’s atmosphere, which rippled across the entire solar disk. A CME is probably heading for Earth, raising the possibility of a geomagnetic storm on Halloween. More information and updates @ Spaceweather.com.

Solar Flare Alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts and get instant text notifications when solar flares are underway.

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Above: An X1-class solar flare on Oct. 28, 2021. Photo credit: Pepe Manteca of Barcelona, Spain