Tag Archives: Vicoli et Ruelles

Exposition: Vicolli et Ruelles at the Institute of Italian Culture in Montreal

There is an interesting exhibit at the Institute of Italian Culture in Montreal Our thanks to François Vigneault for the tip!

Exposition: Vicolli et Ruelles

Vicoli et ruelles is a multi-artist exposition focused on representations of urban life in the comics of Italy and Québec, and will presented at the Institute of Italian Culture in Montreal from April 28 to May 31.

I (François Vigneault) don’t have any pieces in the show itself, BUT I had the pleasure of creating all the incidental illustrations for the show, which will adorn the walls of the gallery, creating a life-size, immersive environment! The 24 artists included in the show include Bianca Bagnarelli, Sara Colaone, Andrea Ferraris, Cab, Samuel Cantin, Michel Hellman, Mélanie Leclerc, Djibril Morissette-Phan, Michel Rabagliati, Salgood Sam, and many more!

