Conventions & Events Calendar

With thanks to Brian Knapp & Cathypl

Last updated: May 2024

 Montreal area events are in bold and marked with *

 Postponed to whenever:

Ad Astra The website has not been updated in a long time, best to check updates on their facebook group.


March 15-17, 2024: Toronto Comicon, Toronto, ON

March 24, 2024: HeritageCon XVI, Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum, ON

April 2, 2024: BuffCon, Cheektowaga, NY

April 19-21, 2024: Sci-Fi On the Rock,   St Johns, NL

April 20, 2024: CAN-AM Con 2024, Williston Armory
Williston,VT Contact: Ron Hogue

May 17-19, 2024: Keycon 40 in Winnipeg, MB

May 17-19. 2004: CanGames, Ottawa, ON

May 24-26, 2024: Anime North 2024, Toronto, ON

*June 14-16,  2024: Scintillation 5, Holiday Inn, 999 rue Saint-Urbain, Montréal, QC, H2Z 0B4

August 8-12, 2024: World Con, Glasgow, UK

*September 20-22: Congrès Boréal,Collège de Bois-de-Boulogne10555, avenue de Bois-de-Boulogne
Montréal, Québec H4N 1L4

October 17-20: World Fantasy Convention, Niagara Falls, NY

Nov. 1-3, 2024: Can*Con 2024, Ottawa ON(pushed back for World Fantasy)


August 13-17, 2025: World Con, Seattle, USA

October 30 – November 2, 2025: World Fantasy Convention, Brighton, UK

4 thoughts on “Conventions & Events Calendar”

  1. Hello, new Québec speculative fiction writer here! If anyone signed up for Scintillation 5 and is unable to attend, I would love to buy your ticket/membership! Please email me at laurenwstark AT gmail DOT com if so. Thank you!

  2. Sorry to be so late in responding, I’ve been on holiday and out of Internet range.
    I will make the correction right away.

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Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association